He obtained the degree of Licentiate in Law (Summa Cum Laude) in the University of Costa Rica in the year 1964. Master in Comparative Commercial Law. Strasbourg. Diploma in Comparative Law. Faculté Internationale pour l’Enseignement du Droit Comparé. Free University of Amsterdam (1st and 2nd cycles). Doctor in Commercial and Comparative Law. Università degli Studi, Pisa. Professor of Commercial and Banking Law and Director of the chair of Commercial Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Costa Rica. Judge Pro Tempore of the Supreme Court of Justice 1977-1987. Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Costa Rica. Costa Rican Delegate to the General United Nations’ Assembly in several periods. Director of the Legal Department of the University of Costa Rica 1978-1991. Director of the Banco Nacional de Costa Rica (National Bank of Costa Rica) (1982-1990). President of the Banco Internacional de Costa Rica (Costa Rican International Bank) (1982-1990). Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1974-1978, 1982-1986, 1986-1990. Former President of the Juridical Committee of the Latin American Federation of Banks. Permanent delegate of the Latin American Federation of Banks before the United Nations’ Commission for International Commercial Law (UNCITRAL). Arbiter of the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Costa Rican Chamber of Commerce and President of that Center’s Institutional Court. Arbiter of the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Real Estate Brokers and of the Arbitration Center of the American Chamber of Commerce. Former Consultant for Latin America of the International Monetary Fund in Banking and Finance Law. Named by the Colegio de Abogados, Distinguished lawyer of the year 2014.
Draft Commission of the Banking Code Project. Drafter of the Project of Modernization of the National Banking System, presently a law. Drafter of several bills of law on different subjects. Founder and President of the Banking Law Association. Director-President of the Magazine Banca, Bolsa y Seguros (Bank, Stock Exchange, and Insurance).
National and International Congresses. Multiple publications in the field of Commercial Law, Banking Law, and Arbitration in the Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas (Juridical Sciences Magazine) of the University of Costa Rica and in other national and foreign magazines.
- Law School Graduate, Law Faculty, University of Costa Rica (Universidad de Costa Rica)
- Program for the Perfecting of Managerial Competences, Business Studies Institutes (Instituto de Estudios Empresariales)
Current activities (most relevant)
- Lawyer and public Notary, owner at Bufete Yglesias Piza.
- Member of the Civil and Commercial Commision of the Professional Association of Lawyers.
- Executive Director and legal advisor at CADEC (Cámara de Distribuidores y Exhibidores.
- Cinematográficos de Costa Rica, Costa Rican Chamber of Movie Distributors and Exhibitors).
- Executive Sub-director and legal advisor of FEDECAÑA (Federación de Cámaras de Productores de Caña, Federation of Chambers of Sugarcane Producers).
- Arbiter of the Center for the Resolution of Conflicts of the Architects and Engineers Professional Association.
- Member of CANARA (Cámara Nacional de Radio, National Chamber of the Radio) Honor Tribunal.
Other professional activities undertaken (most relevant)
University teacher of Civil Procedural Law, Real Estate Law and Commercial Law, in the University of Costa Rica and the Autonomous University of Central America.
2003-2005: Intellectual property and external commerce advisor of the Chamber of Agricultural Supplies of Costa Rica in the negotiation of the DR-CAFTA.
2005: Proprietary member of the National Commission for the Consumer.
2002: Executive President of the Costa Rican Institute for the Ports of the Pacific (INCOP, Instituto Costarricense de Puertos del Pacífico).
2001-2002: Vice minister of External Commerce.
1998-2002: Advisor of the Economics and Foreign Trade Minister
Other activities
For several consecutive years I have served as instructor in courses for the professional updating of the Honor Tribunals of the Architects and Engineers Professional Association.
I have participated in the writing of several laws in different areas.
I have taught multiple conferences on Procedural Law, Real Estate Law, Registry Law and Intellectual Property Law
I have dedicated myself to the study of the principles of public and private law.

- Partner
- 2222-8280 Ext114
Born San José, Costa Rica, April 28, 1967. Admitted 1996. Education: Universidad de Costa Rica Law School ( Lawyer – Notary Public 1996); Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología, Law School ULACIT, in connection with Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Doctoral Program) . Member: Bar Association of Costa Rica (1996). Languages: Spanish, English and German. Practice Areas: Commercial Law; Corporate Law; Civil Law; Labor Law; Notary Public.
- Law School Graduate, Law Faculty, University of Costa Rica (Universidad de Costa Rica), with an emphasis in Tax Law.
Current activities (most relevant)
- Tax and Corporate Lawyer at Mora, Yglesias y Asociados.
- Tax specialist graduated from the Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica.
- Founder and President of the Board of Directors at Fundación Leamos, a foundation dedicated to promote reading habits.
- Member of the Committee of Constitutional Law of the Law School Bar Association.
- Notary Public.
Treasurer of Nosara Ocean Safety (Asociación de Guardavidas de Nosara). - Member of Amor Animales de Nosara Association.
Other activities
Author, editor and product design – Fiction novel Espiral Afuera
Director, scriptwriter, actor, producer – Speis Monkis Producciones
– Law Degree from Universidad de San José – November 2020.
– Undergraduate in Law from Universidad Escuela Libre de Derecho – September 2017.
Specialist in Notary and Registry Law, with honors from Universidad de San José – August 2021. –
– Specialist in Tax Practice and Advice – April 2023.
– Professor of Agrarian Law and Introduction to Private Law I – 2023. San Juan de la Cruz University.
– Partner: Mora, Yglesias & Asociados Law Firm, 2020 – present.
Legal Assistant: Mora, Bolaños & Asociados Law Firm – 2002 – 2016.
– Paralegal: Bufete Mora, Yglesias & Asociados 2016 – November 2018.
– I have worked in judicial processes in civil and commercial matters. Transit proceedings, labor proceedings, review of judicial and administrative files and drafting of judicial and administrative briefs, drafting of minutes of corporations, limited liability companies and associations.
I have also worked in family judicial matters, such as divorce proceedings, adoption proceedings.
In Intellectual Property: Registration of trademarks, commercial names, commercial patents.
– Fluent in verbal and written communication in spanish, english and italian.
– Advanced knowledge of English.
– Italian level B2.
For more than ten years, I was a member of Rotary International, first with the youth branch, Rotaract, where I led several pro bono projects, and was Secretary of the Board of Directors of the San Jose Club, for one year, and then , with the Rotary Club San José, where I was also Secretary of the Board of Directors for one year. Recently, I rejoined the Rotary Club of San Jose as a member.

- Associate
- 2222-8280 Ext106

- Office Manager
- 2682-1410

- Secretary and Executive Assistant
- 2222-8280 Ext101

- Executive Assistant
- 2222-8280 Ext118

- Paralegal
- 2222-8280 Ext119

- Paralegal

- Paralegal
- 2222-8280

- Maintenance
- 2222-8280

At Mora, Yglesias & Asociados, we believe that our commitment to excellence extends beyond our legal services. Our deep-rooted values of community engagement and social improvement for everyone guide our corporate social responsibility efforts in Nosara and beyond. As a firm, we understand the importance of giving back and fostering positive change in the lives of those around us.
We proudly support various local organizations that align with our values and work towards creating a better future for our community. Our involvement with groups like Nosara Ocean Safety, Amor Animales de Nosara, Nosara Community for the Arts, Asociación Pata, and Aprendamos Fund demonstrates our dedication to a wide range of causes, from promoting beach safety and protecting the environment to championing animal welfare, artistic expression, and education.
Our team at Mora, Yglesias & Asociados actively participates in community events and initiatives, using our skills and resources to make a tangible impact on the lives of our neighbors. By integrating corporate social responsibility into our core business strategy, we aim to create a lasting legacy of positive change, not only for our clients but for the entire Nosara community.