180-Day Visa in Costa Rica: Extended Opportunities for Tourists and Businesspeople from Group One

Effective from September 12, 2023, Executive Decree N°44187-MGP marks a substantial improvement in Costa Rica’s immigration policy. If your country of origin is in Group One, you may now stay in Costa Rica for up to 180 days. This extension is particularly advantageous for both tourists and businesspeople.

Which Countries Are in Group One?

This group, defined in the Regulation for the Granting of Entry Visas, N°36626-G, includes nations with which Costa Rica maintains particularly stable relations in areas such as human development and trade.

Who Benefits?

The list of countries and territorial dependencies that benefit from this change is extensive, ranging from Germany and the United States to dependencies like the Falkland Islands and Guam.

Key Considerations

  1. Extended Tourism: The 180 days allow for a more comprehensive tourist experience, from exploring national parks to cultural immersion.
  2. Business Opportunities: The extended period facilitates negotiations and local market exploration.
  3. Education and Training: Ideal for short-term courses or language learning programs.

To review the decree in detail, please access the following link.

Next Steps

If you have additional questions or require more information on how to make the most of this new policy, please send an email to info@morayglesias.com. We are at your service to offer legal advice on this and other related topics.

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