The Implications of the Foreign Extortion Prevention Act on Costa Rican Legal Practice

In the realm of international legal standards, the Foreign Extortion Prevention Act (FEPA) stands as a beacon of the United States’ commitment to combating corruption globally. For Costa Rican lawyers, understanding the implications of FEPA is not just a matter of legal compliance, but of maintaining the integrity of the legal profession itself.

FEPA: A Global Stance Against Corruption

FEPA seeks to criminalize the act of bribery by foreign officials, expanding the reach of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). This legislation underscores a crucial message: corruption has no place in fair and just international or local business practices.

The Role of Costa Rican Lawyers

Costa Rican lawyers are at the forefront of navigating the complexities of international law, and with FEPA potentially in play, the stakes are higher. It’s imperative that legal professionals are diligent in avoiding any actions that may be construed as corrupt, especially when U.S. interests are involved.

Mora, Yglesias & Asociados: A Legacy of Ethical Practice

At Mora, Yglesias & Asociados, our commitment to ethical practice is unwavering. Since our foundation in 1938, we have upheld an impeccable track record, steering clear of any practices that could be seen as corrupt or unethical. Our firm and its lawyers are well-regarded in the legal community for adhering to the highest ethical standards.

Ensuring Compliance

To ensure adherence to FEPA and other anti-corruption laws, our firm implements rigorous training and due diligence processes. We believe it’s not only about complying with the law but also about fostering a culture of integrity that protects our clients and the sanctity of the legal system.


In light of FEPA, the role of the Costa Rican lawyer is more crucial than ever. At Mora, Yglesias & Asociados, we stand ready to navigate these legal waters with you, ensuring that your dealings are both successful and conducted with the highest ethical standards. With us, you are safe from the pitfalls of corruption, and we are proud to be your partner in this endeavor.

For expert guidance and support in complying with FEPA, please contact Mora, Yglesias & Asociados. Let our legacy of integrity be the foundation of your legal success.

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